Captain's Reserve Ghost 2.0 White Tea

Captain's Reserve Ghost 2.0 White Tea

  • TYPE: White Tea

  • ORIGIN: Yunnan, China

  • PRESSING: 2022

  • WEIGHT: 25g Loose Leaf

This delicious white tea is another addition to the collaboration between El Capitan and the wizard of (Anti)Gravity Tea; an inter-dimensional collaboration so mind altering it’s been assigned to the rank of Captain’s Reserve.

In it’s home dimension, this tea was probably grown by a princess before being summoned by the wizards mystical incantations. This tea is crisp, inviting, and never bitter - with it, you’ll find notes of sweet, sugary lavender

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Unlike a traditional tea that you may be accustomed to brewing once or twice; like the Kuura Cola, the Ghost 2.0 white tea is meant to be steeped and enjoyed repeatedly throughout your day, only becoming smoother and sweeter with each steep.

We recommend playing around with different brewing parameters, but a good place to start your journey is 7 grams per 5oz of water at 200F for 3 minutes each time. For example, we steeped the same tea leafs 4 times - but feel free to push well beyond that in your brewing journey. You’ll be rewarded with nothing but sweetness.


Ghost 2.0 was picked and then dried directly in the sun providing a very simple expression of the characteristics of Yunnan’s unique tea resources. Thick and plush with ample sweetness and floral fragrance that surfaces steep after steep. Ageing over the years to come will turn flowers into honey and a darker coloured liquor.